…if someone would just invent some sort of vessel for drinking it out of.
Pic: @EliotLandrum
NEW COCKTAIL: Overpriced Bag Of Pink Goop In A Shopping Trolley. Fifteen quid. No you can’t keep the trolley.
Pic: Nikos Pagonis
“How would you like your iced coffee?”
“Deconstructed, in a jam jar, and served on a child’s book, please.”
Pic: Lyn Nguyen
“Just a hot chocolate please.”
“Ah! You’d like our famous Willy Wanka!”
“You mean ‘Wonka’?”
Pic: @sleepypan
“White coffee, please.”
“Certainly. Would you like an extra shot of Hipster nonsense with that?”
Pic: @JamilaRizvi
You want a can for your can of Coke?”
“Erm… it’s already in a can.”
“This can is rustic.”
Pic: @SmattStephenson
“Glass of Prosecco?”
“Thanks, but I’m driving.”
“You walked here!”
“I’m allergic.”
“You love Prosecco.”
*runs away*
Pic: @kittyroeactress
“… because who wants to drink from a glass anymore?”
Pic: @robertpopper
Coke served in a measuring jug at The Works Gourmet Burger. This is only acceptable if you’re in a houseful of students who can’t be arsed washing up.
Pic: @RobertOrdever
We don’t just want plates – we want PROPER GLASSES! Here’s some pics of your latest jam jar and mason jar misery from Twitter.
We got a plate but ended up having a drink out of a watering can and a bucket for a glass.”
Pic: @deanna93
Two crimes for the price of one: jam-jar juice and trolley chips. You get a tiny £1 coin back when the trolley is returned.
Pic: @WhelanLWH