If they removed the lump of stone, that brain would be PERFECT.
Pic: Paul Beale
If they removed the lump of stone, that brain would be PERFECT.
Pic: Paul Beale
“All burgers are served on wooden boards so please request a plate if you would prefer one.”
If all burgers were served on plates, how many people would request a wooden board?
Pic: @JerryDLeigh
They’re even at it on MasterChef in Chile.
“I’ll have the asparagus tempura, please.”
“What’s that noise?”
“Oh, that’s the mini forklift truck preparing your mini pallet and mini shopping trolley.”
Pic: @ClemMurphy
“Your beef, Sir.”
“Erm… is this a traditional serving method particular to the region?”
“No. Our chef just really likes Lady Gaga.”
Pic: Ged Richter
What you order: gourmet Vegemite on toast.
What you get: a chopping board, cold toast, a leaf stuck on some butter and a reminder to take your dog to the vet.
Pic: Huon Oliver
[waiter emerges from kitchen amid a cloud of smoke, flames licking his heels, tips of his waxed moustache on fire]
“Your dessert, sir.”
Pic: @ThomasI82
“Your tuna starter, sir.”
[lunges at cube, catapults tuna into coat rack, impales eye on spike]
Pic: Miley Dahmer
“Our environmentally-friendly tempura is made with sustainable seafood and vegetables, harvested in ways that consider the long-term well-being of our precious land and oceans.”
“Wonderful! How’s it served?”
“On a large polystyrene block.”
Pic: @HynesLin
“Our kitchen gimp made the truffles. He likes to serve them himself.”
“Oh! Have you worked here long?”
Pic: @ailsajwilliams