“Excuse me waiter, I didn’t order a beer.”
“That’s gravy, sir.”
“It’s what?”
“In a can?”
[looks round]
Pic: @Eamonn_Forde
“Excuse me waiter, I didn’t order a beer.”
“That’s gravy, sir.”
“It’s what?”
“In a can?”
[looks round]
Pic: @Eamonn_Forde
“All burgers are served on wooden boards so please request a plate if you would prefer one.”
If all burgers were served on plates, how many people would request a wooden board?
Pic: @JerryDLeigh
They’re even at it on MasterChef in Chile.
“I’ll have the asparagus tempura, please.”
“What’s that noise?”
“Oh, that’s the mini forklift truck preparing your mini pallet and mini shopping trolley.”
Pic: @ClemMurphy
What you order: gourmet Vegemite on toast.
What you get: a chopping board, cold toast, a leaf stuck on some butter and a reminder to take your dog to the vet.
Pic: Huon Oliver
CHEFS! Turn brownies into expensive brownies by simply serving them on a plank with a broken glass.
(Legal note: it’s actually plastic. SO THAT’S ALRIGHT…)
Pic: @pollianicus
If only someone would invent a round, ceramic vessel with a lip to prevent custard spillage.
Pic: @stakgeorge
When you ask for a plate instead of a board but the replacement plate is so tiny it’s useful only as an extension.
Pic: @RightSaidJames
Cotton: iron on high heat
Silk: iron on medium heat
Nylon: iron on low heat
Prawns: iron on manky board
Pic: @Zahn0
Increasingly-familiar ‘bacon washing-line’ idiocy, plumbing new depths with salvage from a restaurant re-fit.
Pic: @h1dudley
When your dessert arrives on a plank while you’ve gone to the toilet and the ice cream makes a break for freedom.
Pic: @joe_petch
“Waiter, I’m sure the menu said three sausages.”
“No, sir. It says tree sausages.”
Pic: @NeilShelley HT @roastbeef69
Food service can’t get any worse when you’re LITERALLY scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Pic: @ashley_lyons08
Call us cynical, but we don’t believe this skateboard will see the inside of a dishwasher.
Pic: @GabrielGTweets
Pic: Gareth Nelson
“Just a hot chocolate please.”
“Ah! You’d like our famous Willy Wanka!”
“You mean ‘Wonka’?”
Pic: @sleepypan
Dear @TGIFridaysUK,
This is not “Heaven on a plate.” It’s average fast-food on a slate and board with a fake fryer.
During #BritishSandwichWeek be vigilant of chefs putting small portions in shabby chic boxes.
Pic: @squeejay
The chicken lacks something, chef.”
“Reproduction medieval sword?”
Pic: M Graham
Chips in a shopping trolley and a mini wheelie bin for sauce. Mop and Shawshank Redemption tin bowl just out of shot.
Pic: @privacypeeks
Chicken fingers in a skull.
A seashell of beans.
Fittingly, it’s all literally scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Pic: @jonnybadclobber
There’s nothing wrong with a wooden cheeseboard. Unless it’s a skateboard. Sawn in half.
Pic: @lynfelo
Putting tiny desserts on large boards and piping messages in the vast empty spaces is still a thing?
Pic: @APB1966, HT @philbryer
A well-organised kitchen is one thing, but this is ridiculous.
Taken at Stoke Mill, Norwich.
Pic: @MarieaHobbs83
Chefs: in future just bring us camping stoves, knock a few quid off and we’ll heat it up ourselves. Deal?
Pic: @seanddotmedotuk
Do you like meatballs? Do you like Bloody Marys? The Old George in Bethnal Green serves both. At the same time. On a plank.
Pic: @butters_one
Half a pint of vegetarian black pudding on a plank. Three crimes for the price of one.
Pic: @mintymat
Chefs who serve pancakes and syrup on a board with no gutter have clearly never waited tables.
Pic: @gavroche2000
Centuries of plate-smashing catches up with Greece as crockery shortage leads to tzatziki/board woe.
Pic: @kewgreen
Chefs: transform a plank of sausages into a more expensive plank of sausages by simply putting them in a goth’s ashtray.
Pic: @brightsparklej
Mozzarella baps = milky residue on plank. Mini fryer in rare role as chip saviour, only one casualty.
Pic: @dcopem
Trifle or crime scene, you decide.
Pic: @coffeenone
This, according to No.1 Lounge at Garwick Airport, is beans on toast.
A difficult concept to grasp, despite the clue being in the name.
Pic: @HeatherP42
Takes longer to read the menu than to eat the thing.
Pic: @RestGuide
“I’m sorry our chef hasn’t assembled your pulled pork burger, he’s very busy buying little metal buckets, roof slates and weird-shaped boards online.”
Pic: @Cuff76
My Meat Wagon in Dublin have really pushed the boat named Idiocy out here.
– Chopping boards ✅
– Mini shopping trolleys ✅
– Mess tins ✅
– Inexplicable wooden spoons ✅
– Mash in a ramekin ✅
Pic: @annemarieregan1
Fish does not belong on a board.
Chips do not belong in a bucket.
Mushy peas certainly do not belong in a bloody latte glass.
Pic: @lenmce08
Plonked on a wooden board which is sat in a metal tray, wearing a samphire wig, with a lemony smile and a bucket of chips for company.
Pic: @Clifflirt
Wooden board ✅
Mini fryer ✅
Purely ornamental mini BBQ meat display weirdness ✅
Pic: @GreenNGoldMatt
When we posted this on Twitter last night, we completely misjudged the nation’s love for a plastic donkey with salsa caddies.
You can buy them online, but only for ironic purposes, obviously…
Pic: @NuniNunicorn
“New pub near me does a cheese board on a skateboard. And not a very impressive cheese board either!”
Pic: @Tannerlogue
Just some of your latest pics from Twitter of shops selling gastropub guff. Mason jars, mini shopping trolleys, bumpaddles, slates…
Mayo in a watering can, piri piri in a medicine bottle, served in a herb tray. Drunk stencilling, too.
Pic: @TomBarratt
Scotch egg with extract of severed artery, on a scratched board.
*wags finger at The Fox in Twickenham*
Pic: @supeep
How are you supposed to pour your bloody custard into this? Or do you take a swig with each mouthful of crumble?
Pic: @bowdren1
Scratched chopping board ✅
Inexplicable Mess Tin ✅
Manky enamel mug ✅
Weird sausage hanger ✅
Pic: @SixFeetTen
A cornucopia of bumpaddles in Jamie Oliver’s bistro in St Albans.
Pic: @rooreynolds
A full English breakfast. On a wooden board. With beans in a mug.
Pic: @frolickingfood
The perfect snack for when you fancy pork scratchings covered in chilli, on a plank, with a mini wheelbarrow of apple sauce.
Pic: @FreakyZoid
Huge wooden board that’s never been in a dishwasher, mini wheelbarrow of ketchup and lettuce in a watering can.
Pic: @ClairChapman
Pulled pork and coleslaw. In an ice cream cone. In a curly cone holder. On a wooden board.
*loads revolver*
Pic: @jo_blogs
Rice and spinach in tin cans with steamed veg on a log. Even the cauliflower looks embarrassed.
Pic: @Warpdog
“Fetch the longest plank of wood you can find, we’re taking arty food smears to a new level.”
“Yes chef!”
Pic: @MorganLeahy